
EMUN 2017

El pasado viernes 23 y sábado 24 de junio, un grupo de alumnos de secundaria participó del EMUN 2017 2017 (ESSARP Model of the United Nations).

El tema fue “Equality of opportunities in a developing world”. Fueron 410 los estudiantes convocados al St. Catherine's Moorlands, provenientes de 31 colegios bilingües de Argentina y Uruguay.

Los alumnos que nos representaron fueron:
Sede Pilar - Andrea Campetella, Federica Gimeno Perlini, Victoria Secco, Julieta Labollita, Victoria Baragiola, Santiago Secco, Camila Bogliacino.
Sede Fundadora - Javier Ospital, Martina Galarza Graf, Agustina Gold Novoa, María Dolabjian, Inés Degano, Gabriel Espina, Joaquín Rotili, Victoria Limongi. EMUN directors - María Laura Chaieb Christian Gamarra.

¡Aplaudimos la participación y entusiasmo! 

Compartimos el testimonio de una alumna de Sede Pilar y un video realizado por el equipo de prensa del evento:

"I was at several MUN conferences as a delegate, and since my first one I've looked up to student officers with admiration, but also as an objective. This year I achieved that objective, and it was even more worth it than I thought. It taught me a lot about responsibility, autonomy and leadership. Also, as I had to write the report for the students to study I could learn even more about the topic, which was "Increasing transparency of arms trade in regions of armed conflict". The conference was a wonderful experience, which helped me build invaluable skills for my future." Camila BOGLIACINO 

Quienes deseen más  información acerca de ESSARP y EMUN 2017, por favor visitar el sitio https://www.essarp.org.ar/emun-2017/?lang=es