Mission, profile, motto
School Motto
"Adjunge Sapientiam Beneficio" -Joining Wisdom to Service-
Wisdom is the capacity of finding the ultimate sense of man and life. The word Sapientia, Sapida Sciencia e.g. Fruitful Science. It is not a question of ¨possessing¨ acquired knowledge but of understanding that life has a valuable meaning, created, thought and cherished (loved) by The Lord so as to become part of his life. Through The Lord, happiness is granted.
Facing so many different changes in culture, unaware of finding the real sense of life, the school works on instilling religious formation that will touch each student´s heart so that they may choose that path on their way to an adult life having a sense of community. Solidarity is the other strong point of our motto.
St Mary of the Hills School works with the students to be at the service of others, using their talents to full capacity. Since the very beginning, our Institutional history / backround is full of examples where students, families and teachers have shown this special awareness for the need of others. BENEFICIO-Helping others.
Mission Statement
We aim that every student entrusted to this community should be able to explore and develop their individual talents in a caring environment where academic excellence is pursued, should grow up to be a broad-minded adult sustaining values related to Christian faith and living so as to learn for life.