Secondary School
St. Mary of the Hills is a co-ed Catholic School with a strong accent on the development of each student´s talents. We incentive our students to strive for excellence, display their potential in all areas, discover their own interests and develop their virtues.
Our philosophy is to offer them a wide range of opportunities at every level, stimulating self-confidence and self-esteem. We carry out a flexible and coherent curriculum, which includes creative plans, programmes and individualized methodologies.
During these years we endeavour to develop critical thinking and commitment with others, connecting knowledge of the subjects with human formation. Our Secondary School students on finishing their studies get the Social Studies Bachelor Degree.
Our Focus
- Facilitate intellectual autonomy and the development of the necessary capacities to continue their academic formation.
- Develop a reflexive and critical attitude which strengthens them so as to become positive transformers in their social and natural media.
- Prepare them in the use and fulfilment of their citizen rights in a democratic society, in a way side that they may achieve a society.
- Promote an entrepreneur culture in order that students may graduate with leadership and innovation abilities that may favour the founding of dynamic businesses and / or that they may enter the working world with entrepreneur attitude and aptitude.
- Grow in their own identity and spirituality, firmly living their faith in Christ.
Our Educational Programme is an all across programme which is included in every level.

Throughout Secondary School, students are offered two international degrees which have been chosen for their renowned qualities.

Throughout Secondary School, students are offered two international degrees which have been chosen for their renowned qualities:
I.G.C.S.E. (International General Certificate of Secondary Education): It is a two year programme. IG prepares students for further studies, technical careers and University. It values students´ strengths and evaluates them according to their knowledge and comprehension abilities. They take mock exams; prepare coursework and sit for oral and written assignments.
I.B. (International Baccalaureate): The I.B. diploma is a full, demanding and rigorous programme. It is a two year course which includes a wide range of academic subjects and coherent curriculum. The I.B. programme started in 1968 and has formed 500,000 students from 119 countries. This Diploma allows entrance to the most prestigious universities in the world. Those who obtain their Diploma are able to discuss current events from an international perspective, eventually assume posts of leadership, be supportive in the core of the international community, as well as to go into depth of specific themes and express their opinions clearly.