
Our bilingual kindergarten is integrated to the Institutional Educational Project. In a playful atmosphere, children from 2 to 5, are helped to develop their capacities respecting their different intelligences and learning styles.

Our educational community imparts an education of excellence that integrates faith and culture and allows our students to respond to the challenges of today's technological world.

During these years we endeavour to develop critical thinking and commitment to others, connecting disciplinary knowledge with human formation. Our Secondary School students on finishing their studies get the Social Studies Bachelor Degree.
That every student entrusted to this community should be able to explore and develop their individual talents in a caring environment where academic excellence is pursued, should grow up to be a broad-minded adult sustaining values related to Christian faith and living, so as to learn for life.
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Faith Education is one of the central objectives on which the School's Educational Project is based on. This is done across the three levels of schooling. From the Pastoral Department we want all people to find a personal and amiable encounter with Jesus.
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Physical Education is one of our main objectives throughout all the three levels. Teachers in this department encourage fair play through rugby, football, hockey, athletics and sports in general.
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Personalized Education is one of the main objectives that sustains our Pedagogical Project. Being aware of our students needs and timing, respecting both, we promote different ways of stimuli and accompaniment, both affective and cognitive, in their school development.
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Each student finds the chance for self- definition and expression using diverse ways and artistic languages so they might not only express themselves verbally but also through gestures, voice, movement and use of space.
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Our aim is to educate individuals who will use technology as a tool to increase creativity in the development of new tasks enabling them to use it in university and at work.
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